Heart palpitating, mouth drying, pits sweating.....I'm the new kid in the blogging world. Is it strange that I feel rather paranoid that my computer is watching me? Eeks! This is going to take a little while to get use to. Sooo.....what do you write about on a blog? I....ate......pasta for dinner??? It wasn't that great. It was one of those "my husband is at work til late" meals. Bla. Just as a precursor for things to come, my family and I L-O-V-E food. Not just my husband and I, but Grayson as well. (look at the kid!) Unfortunately, I grew up with Mi Amigos Tuesdays, In-n-out Wednesdays (before mutual, of course....don't fret), Hamburger Helper Thursdays, and Pizza Fridays. Monday, Saturday, and Sunday were usually filled with yummy processed goodness like toaster streudels and mac n' cheese. It is still a miracle to me how in the world we all turned out decently healthy individuals. Anyways.....I am soooo bad at tangents.....ah! I just made a tangent about making tangents. I give up.
...I think I can....I think I can.....
*cough, cough*
What I am TRYING to communicate (stop staring at me computer!), is that I don't have very much experience in the culinary world. After Scott & I got married, my love for food blew up into an obsession. Luckily, I married the right man. Scott loves bread+peanut butter+jelly. Shaila loves bread+peanut butter+jelly. Scott and Shaila have now produced a new mini food lover....GRAYSON! I should have named this blog "oink!" My brain is incapable of staying on one subject.
I suck at this. Night!
Shaila you're a doll, and you're not boring, so I'll be a frequent visitor :D I'm a food enthusiast too!
Yay for a blog!!
I'm so excited you have a blog. And so jealous on how uber cute it is. Blogs are so much fun, and I know yours is definitely going to be one of my favorites. Actually, it already is. Post frequently, you're doing great!
I still think its all about the bread+peanut butter+honey sandwich. Your blog is way cute!! Welcome to the blogging world. My blog is private so if ya want an invite to it...send me your email!! Your off to a great start!
Oh Miss Shaila, how I miss you! So glad to see you here! Can't wait to see little Grayson grow!
Hahah I love you guys. I can't wait to read more - now you just have to keep it up so I have more entertainment. :)
Haha, Shaila you are awesome :) I love it
hahaha! Shaila, you're so funny. I'm very excited you have a blog and I look forward to reading what else you have to say. (Oh, and don't fret too much about what you write, just write).
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