The Pew's are back!!
Thank you Costco for bringing back my connection to the world through our new laptop. Joy! It seems so long ago since I have blogged (heck! since I have really been social whatsoever) I feel like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz, still searching for my oil can. Where to begin?
I guess it is obvious from our picture above that we have a new addition to our family. Small in stature, yet gigantic in personality....I proudly introduce.....
Griffin Joseph Pew
Born on November 5, 2011
6 lb. 3 oz. 20 in.
Griffin surprised us all by arriving nearly 4 weeks early. Our neighbors used to comment on how huge and low I carried him and insisted that I would never reach my due date....well....guess those elderly ladies knew what they were talking about. : ) Contractions woke me up around midnight consistently every 15 minutes and like clock work each hour, became closer and closer til they were five minutes apart. I remember watching Seinfeld for awhile before waking up Scott when they started getting stronger. Still, I was not convinced that I was in actual was much too early (so I thought). As a result, Scott and I killed some time playing card games taking breaks when contractions would hit. Once they started getting quite painful and five minutes apart we thought we should be safe and head to the hospital....but we were STILL not convinced that this was it. After dropping off Grayson at my in laws around 3:30am and warning them that we will probably be back in an hour or so after the contractions stop.....
....still not convinced....
Scott sped to the hospital (his lifelong dream) and they admitted us immediately. They soon checked me and said that I was already at a six. Since I never was tested for strepB, it took awhile for them to contact the doctor on call to ask if I should receive medicine or not so I labored some more in that gosh darn uncomfortable triage bed. UGH. By this time, my contractions were painful enough to 'get me out of bed'....meaning that I started reaching for things and people= not good. One of the nurses walked by my little bunker when one of these dandy little contractions hit and started yelling..."get her an epidural now!" (I think I would be great friends with this nurse.) So, just like in those hollywood movies they were puttin' papers down on my huge mountain of a stomach for me to sign while rolling me to the delivery room. One of my best friends in the entire world (the anesthesiologist) was waiting for me and in between Satan's idea of fun (my contractions), they gave me the oh so wonderful epidural. I still can't believe how fast everything went after that. Moments after I got comfy, they started rolling in tables and gadgets galore announcing that Dr. Beck (the stallion of obgyns) would be there any minute. Once Dr. B arrived it was suddenly time to push...wait what!? I had been prepared to at least watch an episode or two of The Cosby Show. 20 minutes later a sweet little boy was placed on my chest looking up at me. He was oh so tiny, but healthy. What more could I ask? I was absolutely in love....again. I had worried that I wouldn't have 'enough' love to give this second boy of mine since I already loved Scott and Grayson so so much. But my love 'triangle' now was a love 'square'..... all four of us connected by an everlasting love.

Welcome to our family, Griffin. Let the good times roll.
My awesome delivery nurse, Katie. She was the reason I was able to push my first son, Grayson, out. We were so excited to have her again for Griffin, though it was a much easier delivery.
Surprise! 24 hours before this photo we did NOT expect to have a son just yet. Crazy!
Thank you, Sarah Garner, for these adorable photos of our little guy. Anyone want a great photographer? I got her number....